Introducing — The Judging Panel for our 2023 Open Call.
1. Angela Jimu | Photographer & co-founder of the Zimbabwe Association of Female Photographers @angjimu @zafp_org
2. Alejandro Cegarra | Photographer & Former Recipient of the IPPG @alecegarra
3. Fiona Shields | Head of Photography, Guardian News & Media @fionashields7 @guardian
4. Simon Roberts | Photographer, Head of the IPPG Advisory Committee & Former Recipient of the IPPG @simoncroberts
5. Harriet Logan | Executive Director and Former Recipient of the IPPG @harriet.l @inciteproject
6. Giles Duley | Photographer, writer, chef and CEO of the Legacy of War Foundation (Partner of the IPPG) @gilesduley @legacyofwarfoundation @legacy_of_war
7. Aidan Sullivan (Chairman and Founder of the IPPG, CEO of Verbatim) @aidanverbatimphoto @verbatimphoto