The IP Grant launch interactive map to track down and contact previous winners
Thanks to our web designers TC&Friends and the guys over at Atlist, we’ve created an interactive map that allows potential commissioners to track down our community of global photojournalists. Find this feature on our homepage and have a scroll around the world to see how far reaching our family has become over the last 30 years.

New partnership: Gentex Corporation

Voices from the Frontline

New partnership: Save the Children

Introducing —The Judging Panel for our 2024 Open Call

We are 5000 strong 💪
We are 5000 strong 💪
The community is growing, the word is spreading.

What does the recipient of the IPPG receive? *Updated*

The IPPG Longlist 2023
The IPPG Longlist 2023 —

Announcing — The 2023 Open Call Recipients
Announcing —
The 2023 Open Call Recipients

Read all about it! — Guardian publish the work of the 2023 IPPG Recipients.
Read all about it! —
The IPPG 2023 Recipients in the Guardian

Introducing — The Judging Panel for our 2023 Open Call.
Introducing —
The Judging Panel for our 2023 Open Call.

Introducing — IPTV
Introducing —
IPTV with Emma Blau! 📺

Press Release: 1st May 2023
The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant announces rebrand, new website and the launch of the next exciting stage of its journey, partnering with Canon Europe, The Guardian and The British Centre of Photography, amongst others, to support young and emerging photojournalists across the globe.

The IPPG initiate impressive advisory committee, headed by British photographer and former Ian Parry recipient Simon Roberts.
Headed by British photographer and former Ian Parry recipient Simon Roberts, the IPPG Advisory Committee is comprised of highly respected individuals such as photographic artist Aida Muluneh, Pulitzer Prizewinning photographer Muhammed Muheisen, the Guardian’s Head of Photography Fiona Shields and Creative Director & Editor Tony Chambers, who will help guide our future.

2023 RE-BRAND with thanks to TC&Friends
The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant launches its 2023 re-brand with thanks to TC&Friends.

Previous Winner Spotlight: Brazilian Street Girls by Leticia Valverdes
A recent interview that featuring Brazilian Street Girls - Invisible Lives, a project by Leticia Valverdes

Previous Winner Spotlight: Veejay Villafranca nominated for Prix Pictet 2023 with latest project 'Barrio Sagrado'.
'Barrio Sagrado' by Visual Journalist Veejay Villafranca has been nominated (long-listed) for the 2023 cycle of Prix Pictet with the theme - Human.

Announcing the Tom Stoddart Award for Excellence
Announcing the Tom Stoddart Award for Excellence

Remembering John Downing MBE
John Downing MBE John was arguably the most talented Fleet Street photographer of all time.

It’s not all photography: Marcus Bleasdale
We have asked a selection of Ian Parry alumni to reflect on what it meant to them to win the Ian Parry Scholarship. This week award-winning photographer and 2010 alumnus Marcus Bleasdale explains how the Scholarship transformed his career.

Supporting young talent: Igor Elukov
We have asked a selection of Ian Parry alumni to reflect on what it meant to them to win the Ian Parry Scholarship. This week Russian photographer Igor Elukov, who won the first Award for Potential when it was introduced in 2016, shares his experience.
Phillips auction raises £250k for the IP Photojournalism Grant
We are delighted to announce that our inaugural auction raised some £250,000, a remarkable achievement that will enable the scholarship to continue its support of young emerging photojournalists for many years to come.
This was a tremendous effort by our board member Harriet Logan, her team at Incite especially Tristan Lund, the staff at Phillips London, especially Rachel Peart Head of the Photographs Department, the team at Artsy.net, Canon UK
and Metro Imaging.
Further thanks to our friends and supporters Emma Blau, Carol Allen-Storey, Rebecca McClelland, Julie Bonzon, Tara Rowse and Olivia Kennaway.
Our sincere thanks to the photographers who so kindly donated their images and to all of the people who bid via Phillips or Artsy.com.